Topics That Inspire & Educate
Motivate your workforce to create intentional and positive change within!
Enlightening themes address modern workplace realities with timeless wisdom.
All topics are completely fluid and can be structured as either a talk or workshop.
Mindful Stress Management
+ Peak Productivity
Work-related stress is the major cause of stress for adults; the WHO says it’s the health epidemic of the 21st century. Learn how a genuinely mindful approach to managing stress will reduce its incidence and impact at work, while also up-leveling team skills & performance.
Creating A Happy, Empathetic
And Kind Company Culture
Company culture - which begins and ends with leadership - is a critical component of growth and success. Learn how applying mindfulness principles - from the top down - can facilitate and foster a positive, happy and compassionate company culture.
The Trifecta For Success
While IQ is important, its role in corporate success is dwarfed by the impact EQ (emotional intelligence) and AQ (adaptability quotient) play. Learn how to sharpen key EQ & AQ traits to drive a more collaborative, productive and high-performing workforce.
Traits of
Teams That Thrive
Trust is the key ingredient to high-functioning and happy teams. Information and communication flows. All work harmoniously towards a common goal, without fear of self-interests sabotaging efforts. Learn how mindfulness principles and practices can build strong bonds, increase empathy and drive cooperation to build thriving teams.
Strength, Resilience
& Adaptability
The only constant is change, yet it is extremely difficult for many to effectively deal with. Learn how integrating mindfulness into your life can alter how you deal with change and uncertainty. How a shift in your mindset can perceive change as positive, and a harbinger of growth and maturity, vs. an uncomfortable break from your comfort zone.
The Work-Life Balancing Act:
It’s Not Either/Or
In today’s agile, mobile, always-connected and often remote workplace, it’s virtually impossible to completely separate our personal and professional lives. This reality can cause stress, anxiety and burnout in the workforce. Discover how to harmonize the two, and bring fulfillment, peace and overall well-being into your life.
Immerse/Bringing Your Audience to Truth & Enligtenment
Having spent seven years on TV addressing and connecting with viewers, Conscious Development and Wellbeing Expert Yuri Dhara is a prolific speaker. Her enlightening and insightful talks draw from ageless wisdom and imbue practical, modern advice on how to transcend a life of the ordinary to become more fulfilled, happy and present in all aspects of our lives, personal and professional.